Thursday, February 25, 2016

Court apointment

this is a post I made on Facebook it caused some heated discussion, both in the public news feed and on private messages:

Political frustration skip as you please:
The recent announcement by GOP senators that they will refuse to convene a committee or call a vote upon an appointment to the Supreme court is as distinct example as any of why I refuse to associate myself with a national party.
I have heard time and time again railings on how the President must be held accountable to the Constitution and the requirements of his office.
Yet now Senate Republicans would maintain the Supreme court in a state of possible deadlock for 12 to 18 months, depending on how long a new presidents appointment would take to be confirmed. in this they refuse their Constitutional duty and therefore violate their Oath of Office.
It is the Constitutional duty of the President to appoint and the Senate to confirm or reject. I have never found any passage in the Constitution that says "except when at political disadvantage" or "except in an election year"
In my opinion all refusing these duties should be brought up on charges of Contempt of Congress.

as I have not sought permission to re-post the detailed discussion from those involved I will not be doing so but I am on Facebook as don Riney and you are welcome to read my timeline from 2-24-16

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