Thursday, April 2, 2015


As an ordained minister I would have no problem performing a same sex marriage. Now if the couple in question wanted me to give sacrament from a religion that forbids same sex marriage. I would have to refuse. IE I would not look up and use the words of a catholic wedding mass nor use them if provided.
I believe in their right to union and I believe in the right to religious belief. the two don't have to be mutually exclusive.
So a catholic priest should by law be required to marry a homosexual couple? No No no.

we have choices we choose how to believe and what to believe. if a Homosexual couple makes the choice to be Catholic they make the choice in that moment their union, no matter how civil law sees it, will never be acknowledged by the church.
Keep in mind I am _not_ Catholic nor opposed to homosexual unions.
As far as I am concerned in regards to interpersonal unions the state need only record and certify what exist in civic courts.
I find legal union to be a civic issue and Marriage to be a religious/spiritual issue.
No State need acknowledge any God or anything reflecting personal Spiritual preference. Just the signed agreement that they are joined in that matter of property and offspring (possibly next of kin for probate issues). If they go to a church and have a ceremony.. cool but the court of law should not really care.
The laws of our land should not prevent any couple from legal union but to force churches or church figures to preform such ceremony is against the constitution.
As to business Services.. Why oh why would you want some one who hates you to make the cake that celebrates your Union???
That is like asking for bad Ju Ju!

(In answer to a question)

I understand your question under the context that Heterosexual weddings and marriages are treated differently under law in most areas than Homosexual unions and marriages. I agree.

Hopefully I may clarify my stance.

The thing is I don't feel the State (being the Local, State, or Federal Government en mass ) should be in the wedding business at all. 

Recognition of legal union is the provenance of government as a binding document and contract. Religious/spiritual marriage is provenance of the individual and their religious choice. Same sex/Opposite sex should not be relevant to legal process and should not be a government process. 

The state need only note, file, observe the legal union of any one. and Legal protection should be given in the severance of such a legal union. 

The State should not be issuing a "licences to marry" The state should simply maintain a registry for legal purpose regarding family law.

If you want to have legal status go to the court house, if you want to be "Married," go to what ever social/religious/spiritual mentor willing to give you a ceremony. 

In short all any of us have on a social and civic point is a contract, A legal registration and binding social contract. 

Marriage remains subjective as how we define it in our own Spiritual and Moral sphere.

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