Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I think we need a new movement.

I am tired of hearing about the Tea Party, which has been co-opted by both the right and the left and now instead of meaning those of us who have had enough it now is simply a synonym for "way way over to the right"

And not the Occupy folk, even though they started out with _good_ ideals and the concept that a corporate dominated economy is not a free economy, their message got lost in a mass media free for all. Their whole concept and being is now pushed aside as a foot note in the early 2010's.

Honestly I am weary of hearing about how one American is different than another American. How Americans are _different_ African, Hispanic, Irish, German, or Asian _Americans_ .

I think we need an American Movement. One that is proud of who we are. One that accepts that our divers culture has made mistakes. One that, hopefully has learned from those mistakes. Mistakes like genocide, slavery, indentured servitude, segregation (of many kinds) and in general failure to recognize the innate divine nature of the Human Spirit.

We still need to be _proud_ that we have risen above and divested ourselves of these and other filths. We need to remember that we are one and indivisible. the forces of the world now seek to divide our nation but no matter how diverse the heritage or political opinion, the people of United States of America should remember that we are One Nation and how ever you conceive, Under God.

the following were in response to a Friend on Face book, I will include his comment only after i have his permission

 Something sounding great is always easy, find some one who has good written and/or verbal skills and you can make an issue sound good, or bad..I think we need to find the issues that unite us and work on them. So far our congress has agreed to protect a multinational corporation that pours millions into campaign coffers and them selves against accusations of insider trading.

Hard issues are hard for a reason they are core moral and ethical questions.Our right to argue these questions is what is guaranteed us by a secular document known as the Constitution. with out that secular protection moral opinion is moot.

Until we protect the basic principal that we are permitted to disagree we have no basis for a moral debate.

oh and as to what I am going to do, well I am going to speak my mind though it has already cost me friends and acquaintances, I am no Thomas Paine to write a scrip like "Common Sense" nor do I have the backing of a media producer like Ben Franklin.

will speak and hope I am heard. Should I find enough support for my ideas and Ideals I might run for for Office. More likely I will through voice and and action support those who support at least the better part of what I believe.

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