Monday, July 23, 2012

Where I stand Part II

Apparently I missed a hot spot or two. The last list likely unsettled some of my liberal friends this one will likely do the same for my Conservative friends.

 Gay marriage...

Truth be told I want people to be happy...
Honestly ...Inalienable Rights...  Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is right there in the Declaration

A couples relationship to each other and to God is none of _My_ Damn business. If I agree or disagree is not relevant to their rights. That is between them and God, I am not worthy to be judge.


This one Pissed me off recently

Even if Obama was born in Kenya (which I don't think he was) he was still born to an American Citizen parent overseas and there fore by US code has full rights of citizenship.. Just like me and John McCain. Move along.. nothing to see here....

Separation of Church and State ...

Seriously the founding fathers .. especially the Deist and Universalist in the group wanted to prevent Theocracy as much as a Government defined religion.. the knife really does cut both ways.

I am sure I missed a few more. As I figure em out I'll post em.

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