Sunday, December 6, 2009

How Long

I am curious, how long does it take until I am no longer an immigrant? I know this post is likely to fan the flames, but I really want to know. My family first came to the new world as colonist in 1632. Members of my family have served in the military and militia forces of every conflict witnessed by the people of this land since that time. The blood of my ancestors is spread from Baltimore to California, yet I am constantly reminded that "we are a nation of immigrants."

Three Hundred Seventy-Seven Years
I count to when the first of my line set foot upon American soil. How many more must pass before I am called a native son?


  1. I am an American, which of course means I am Prussian, Welsh, Scot, Italian, English and Irish.
    Elder John Crandall was about 25 in 1637 when he arrived in Providence, Rhode Island. You beat my family here by a couple of years.
    He died due to King Philip's War with the ancestors of the immigrants that crossed the Bering Strait land bridge.

  2. Could be worse. Your ancestors could have been here for 10,000 years. Those upstart immigrants are a pushy lot.
