Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Can some one please explain to me why it is suddenly Taboo for political figures to appear at conventions, and meetings that are openly "For Profit". Speakers get paid for their appearances no matter who is setting up the big to. It is always a circus,. the only difference is the shingle hanging at the door.

Sara Palin (whom I think is as hot as she is out of touch with how life actually works) gets slammed for speaking at a Tea Party Convention that is not run for a 501 c front and Govn'r Huck-a-billie retroactively claims that CPAC is for profit and pay to play and 'not republican enough'


I guess it's just further example of the fact that Republicans don't get it, we aren't any happier with them than we are the Democrats. Term limits are a good thing, if your Rep/Senator has been there 2 terms (or one if they voted for the stimulus ) then vote against them this fall.... Limit the term we are beholden to bullshit.

Change is rough and Change hurts (contrary to recent campaign promises) if you want to change how this country is running then boot the SOB's out of office. Dem Rep Indy doesn't matter get out and vote get your neighbor to vote get their neighbor to vote. There is no EASY way out of this economy so let's tighten our belts and make the changes required instead of prolonging the inevitable.

Get rid of the baggage in DC and let Americans keep (and Spend) what they earn. that is how we will survive. That is how we will recover. The middle class Blue collar worker of America is willing to work. They are willing to do whatever it takes to provide for their families. That is what we should be supporting, not some 6 term leech on the thigh of the democratic process.

Trim the fat. It is going to hurt. Hell it might even hurt me, but I have been poor before and just as then I will now do whatever I have to to provide for me and Mine.

Wake up Politicrats the working class of America is fed up with all of you. the Tea party movement is but the first evidence of our frustration of what you have done to our nation. The energy is there, and as Newton said a body in motion tends to stay in motion. I am not asking if you are for or against The movement that has begun, I am asking you for your own peace of mind.... are you part of the Avalanche or are you below it?

Vote Them Out

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