Friday, October 9, 2009

I don't understand

Obama has been given a Nobel Peace prize... I don't get it, for what? He hasn't even been in office a year, the same wars that were raging when he took office are still ongoing. un-employment is up the economy is down

Nelson Mandela
Mother Teresa
The 14th Dali Lama

These I understand without question

Heck I can even accept Jimmy Carter for his constant efforts here and abroad to improve living conditions for .. well every one.

But some one please tell me what Obama has actually done to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?

Tell me more what he had done prior to 2009 that even warranted nomination?

Why before 2009 you ask, because Nobel Prize nominations are made in the year before the award is given, the latest deadline is Feb 1 of the year given. So he wasn't even President when Nominated, or had just finished adjusting the name plate on his desk.

So did he get nominated for being an effective media hound and reading speeches well, or was it strictly for winning the election? Or did he win a Nobel prize by making campaign promises that he hasn't even kept? Maybe it was the ability to throw a huge party in DC?

I guess all those petitions going around a couple months back to nominate Michael Jackson for a Nobel Prize weren't as far fetched as I though they were!

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