Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama is not a Nazi

Obama is not a Nazi, none of our presidents have been members of the German National Socialist party, nor do they fit the modern profile of what the term "Nazi" has come to mean. For that matter I don't even find him to be a Socialist.

Honestly, though some of his policies and ideals do lean towards a socialist agenda, I find him to be a Nationalist. His primary platform and political core is based upon economic redistribution, and government regulation / oversight of industrial production and labor. As well his policies fall in line with the idea that national identity and government has power to require loyalty and obedience of component bodies. (ie. States being required to pass certain laws and adhere to given budgetary restrictions in order to receive stimulus money)

Now Nationalism isn't necessarily a bad thing... if kept in moderation. If allowed to run the gambit of political power unchecked you end up with an authoritarian state. Benito Mussolini and the Italian Fascist regime is an example of Nationalism carried a few steps to far.

Now on the other side of the aisle is the Republican party, they aren't Nazi's either. So far as I can tell they are also not adherents to the ideal of Republicanism. I tend to find most modern Republicans to be Federalist. Basing their stated aims on a strong core federal government with rights to create and enforce all laws concerning currency,levy of taxes, immigration, international policy and treaties. Problem is they tend to stop there and forget that the States still have rights and are, or should be partners in the overall government of the confederation.

Both cases lead to an overbearing central government with little check on legislature or executive power who address the claim of violation of States Rights is is either in the best interest of national advancement and ideals or justified under the implied federal power to pass any laws "Necessary and Proper" in order to accomplish their enumerated tasks.

So as we go along can we dispose with the epithets of "nazi" and "socialist" and "communist"? Really if the best our leaders in Washington can do for debate, and influencing public opinion is name calling, then vote the sorry SOB's out of office and let some one else have a shot!

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