Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tea Party

Originally Posted 4/13/09

Tea Party
I am proud to be an American. A proud veteran of the US Navy. I get a tear in my eye as I hold my hand over my heart and listen to the stirring chords of the Star Spangled Banner. I am proud to be guaranteed specific rights and liberties by the Constitution of the United States of America. It is my privilege and my private vanity that I put my name on the line and offered my life as a soldier to protect these rights and liberties for all American citizens.

I am embarrassed.
I am embarrassed not by my country.
I am embarrassed by those who have been appointed and elected to care for it's needs.

I am ashamed of the members of the House of Representatives, those that are elected to ensure that the people of every district across the land has a voice that will be heard and a hand upon the tiller of our great nation. I am ashamed that our Representative spend more time and money campaigning to keep their job, than they actually spend _doing_ their job. That they willingly turn a deaf ear to those who are not convenient to hear.

I am appalled with our Senators. Who's sacred trust is that they should craft legislature that protects the Constitution and the people who live beneath it's laws. Instead I see them crafting lies that then become laws in the name of special interest groups. Lies that become law that strip the Constitution of it's precious freedoms one word game at a time.

I look with pity and a sick heart upon the Supreme Court of this land. They who should have been the last best refuge and defense of the rights and liberties of "we the people"; they who now dictate terms and partisan politics to congress, the president, the people, and the world.

I am abhorred by what has become of the Executive branch of the United States Government. They who for all these many years should be leading us and standing firm upon the foundation our founding fathers laid, they who should be the ultimate patriot, the greatest cheerleader the nation has; I see instead not one or two but multiple Presidents and vice Presidents who are and have been more interested in apologizing to the world for our existence, than in the business of showing us and all nations on earth that we are in fact the greatest nation alive! I see our executive branch setting the example that we should be ashamed of who we are, that it is wrong to be prideful of being called "American".

I am proud to be an American. A proud veteran of the US Navy. I get a tear in my eye as I hold my hand over my heart and listen to the stirring chords of the Star Spangled Banner. I am proud to be guaranteed specific rights and liberties by the Constitution of the United States of America. It is my privilege and my private vanity that I put my name on the line and offered my life as a soldier to protect these rights and liberties for all American citizens. I am proud to stand up and say these things are wrong and hope my voice may yet be heard. I am proud to stand up not only for _my_ Rights and Liberties but for those of my children and my children's children.

Come stand with me. Stand and let the sky tremble with the native greatness of America. Let us make a sound so great that those who have abused their power remember that it was we who, by our own inaction, gave power to them and it is we, by taking action, who can take it away!

find a tea party near you today.
Posted by Darius at 4/13/2009 11:46:00 AM

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