Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tea Party notes

I was very supportive of this movement back in April as you can see from the post I have imported from my personal Blog. Unfortunately for this movement it seems more and more to have been high jacked by the GOP and the Religious Right to be used as a soap box. Which means of course this movement, that started out so well with so great a purpose, is being walked upon and stood upon by many the very people who helped pass the taxes and spending bills it was meant to protest.

I don't like the feeling of the boots of hypocrites upon my shoulders. However since I have no intention of simply walking away from things I believe in, I will say my peace here. To any who are willing to listen.

Remember as we prepare for mid term races. If your incumbent, what ever party they are from; voted for taxes, stimulus packages, spending bills, environmental hocus-pocus that does nothing but cost money for the average American; or any thing you don't agree with then use your God Given right and vote against them! Remember it was members of both houses and both parties over two presidential terms who have voted for and passed these bail outs and this obscene level of government spending. So find out if your public officials voted against your best interest. Find out and, with your vote, do something about it.


  1. If you had been at the Tea Party on the 4th of July that I was at, you wouldn't say that. There was plenty of bi-partisan bashing. Mark Kirk especially.

  2. Good to hear that it may be more a local head ache. I have spoken to several other independents here who are feeling pushed aside as well. Even shuffled to the side though I am happy to see more and more people in every walk of life taking notice of what's going on in our state and national capitols.
