Friday, July 24, 2009

Face Off

Political tensions are running high, the world is watching as the media coverage ramps up it's coverage of this volatile situation.

Iraq? - No
Iran? - No
China, Russia, Taiwan, North Korea, Afghanistan, Honduras, any of those? - No

None of these, not health care, not gun control, not even hidden taxes. The President of the United States of America instead is worried about the actions of a single law enforcement officer in Cambridge Mass., who arrested a man who happens to be the presidents buddy.

Barack Obama has , As President of the United States, criticized the officer involved and even by his own words brought race into a situation where it did not need to be discussed.

Whether or not Professor Gates was aggressive or unruly enough to warrant his arrest is a matter for administrative review by the Cambridge PD, not something for the President of the United States to censure and publicly criticize when he didn't even investigate the facts in the case.

Obama is asking what's the big deal that he gave his personal opinion of the matter? Apparently he doesn't understand that he doesn't have private opinions any more. For at least the next three and half years every statement he makes is as the chief executive of the nation, not as a private citizen.

Barack Obama wanted the Presidency and he got it and every thing that goes with it. This includes the microscope of the media and the American public on his actions, and statements. Assuming the persona and onus of the office means a large level of de-personification. He is no longer just a man he is the President. 24-7, 365 days a year. Having 'private and personal opinions' is a luxury that heads of state don't get to enjoy. I guess if he doesn't like it he should be more careful what he asks for.

Though I do not think it intentional, the sway Obama has as President has been brought to bear he has exerted the power of his office on a civil case that should have been left to the proper _much lower_ authorities. Intentional or not this was an abuse of power.


  1. He was asked a question by the media and he answered it. What is the problem with that? Like it or not, this was a national story that was covered by every major media outlet. Would you rather he ignored the question. You probably didn't like his answer (he was correct by the way). Abuse of power? Please, get over yourself.

  2. Actually President Obama has, more than once, deferred a question based on lack of information, A policy which I encourage and applaud. One I wish he would have followed in this situation.

    As to his answer I disagree, mainly because the character of the officers action should have been decided through proper channels. Not called out by chief executive of the nation.

    As to the abuse of Power, I believe it was for the reasons stated in the original post. If Obama had not made that statement there would have been no need for the intense scrutiny by the entire world.There would have been no need for the Policeman's Union to make a national statement supporting the Officer. There would have been no need for "the beer summit". As I said I don't think it was intentional, but by his influence he elevated the situation to one of national and international dispute.
