Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Papers Please....

A man walks in through a sliding glass door, negligently the woman there, without looking up, taps the card swipe on the counter. Nervously the man withdraws his federally issued universal ID. His hand shaking, he runs it through the reader. The woman stops briefly and glances at her screen, "I'm sorry Mister Jones, we can't help you here."

Mr Jones looks down at his card and then back at the reader.. "Ma'am I've been seeing the Dr here for 2 years... The Cancer ain't spread but it's still there, where am I supposed to go" The health care officer sighs heavily clearly annoyed at the question. "Mr Jones the system says you have used up all available funds that were allotted to you this year for advanced care, you'll just have to go to the primary care center and see what they can do for you there." As she speaks a uniformed officer steppes up beside the old man "let me help you back to your car Mr Jones." As he is lead from the building the next person in line swipes their card.

This is fiction for now Universal ID's with all of your personal information issued by the Federal Government, A cold computer system that uses some committees formulas to decide who can have what care.

Yes it's fiction for now, read the health care bill... call your Congressman.

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