Monday, April 23, 2012

MLK... would he want another street?

The NAACP of Arlington TX is trying to rename a street for the good Dr. They have symbolically chosen "Division St". A street which runs along the train tracks that less than symbolically divide the town. It's a Geographic name for what used to be part of an old important highway .OK I get the symbolic gesture of removing "division", I acknowledge it is poetic. However, Is this the legacy the Dr would have wanted? A street in every town?

Now I respect the impact Dr Kings life (and death) had on our nation...(and Malcolm X, JFK, Bobby K, Susan B Anthony, Rosa Parks, William Travis, Ceaser Chavez, Jose Navarro,  and many other brave souls)  but ya know we have had Black, Hispanic, Tejano and other minority leaders in _this_ city... don't you think it would do Dr Kings legacy far more tribute to name a road after one of them, a _Local_ Minority leader?

If we must go national, besides those listed above, how about a street named "Veteran", or "Constitution", or "Bill of Rights". how about "Suffrage", maybe even "Molly Maguire" (look it up if you don't know)

Article in the local news found here

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