(From my face book feed oldest to newest)
On June 7th 1776, the "Lee Resolution" that was proposed by Richard Henry Lee and read as follows "that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." Discussion was deferred until July 1st.
On June 11th A committee of Five were appointed to draft a declaration document
ON July 1st Discussion on the Lee Resolution was joined.
On July 2nd 1776 the continental congress voted in parliamentary unanimity (New York Abstained) to declare our independence from the British empire.
On July 4th the final Draft of the Declaration of Independence was approved.
By August 2nd, 56 men of wealth and position declared themselves as insurrectionist and treason against the Crown. Printed broadsides were posted throughout the States.
Most of us have read the first few lines of this document that defined our desire for freedom. How many have rad the whole thing?
I am an independent voter. I have never intentionally* registered as a member of a political party for the purpose of voting.
As such I find the Republican party to be dead and sacrificing it's ideals on the pyre of a buzz word.
As such I find the Democrat party to be a zombie pack.... moaning meaningless words without resolutions. they are dead and just don't know it.
As Such I find the Libertarian party to be a sorta/semi attractive choice but until they find an anchorage rock that voters can rally for... they are still waves on the tide.
When faced with waves between shipwrecks.. I will choose the wave every time. I will be voting for Gary Johnson. he is at least moving beyond the anchored demise of the two party system.
I don't claim he is perfect don't claim he is right, but I disagree with him far less than with the two tools the major parties have nominated.
We the People need and Deserve better than this.
*(The State of Oklahoma had no selection in their soft ware in the '80s other than Dem or Rep so the clerk at the time entered Dem with out my knowledge or consent)
Pop quiz, what does Lexington/Concord have in common with the OK Corral?
As I read the stories in the news and look at the stances and platforms of political parties I am starting to wonder if I am still and independent?
Even though i don't like all the points of their platform I seem to be becoming ... Libertarian......
so I got my new passport in the mail today. I haven't had an active one n 20 to 30 years.
On this document that confirms my citizenship it list my birthplace which is of course Taiwan.
I am quickly reminded of one of the _personal_ reasons I despise "birthers" in any year administration or campaign.
My current view of the election as usual skip as desired
My view currently is that I can put my hand in one of four bowls.
1. a bowl filled with sulfuric acid with a PH of 1 (Republican)
2. a bowl filled with a caustic lye with a PH of 13.5 (Democrat)
3. a bowl filled with an unknown solution (3rd party)
4. an empty bowl (no vote, accept others will)
OK I admit it I am voting for both Trump and Clinton. Or at least that is what I am told.
I am taking my toys and going elsewhere I am voting 3rd party. I am voting Johnson/Weld
If you believe I am wasting my vote that is your choice. I don't care to argue the point.
if you want to know why I am voting this way please ask me. I will tell you.
No I do not agree with all the points of this candidate.
I do not agree with _all_ of their aims.
Since I have no intention of ever running for high office, well I can agree with most of what these two say.
I can look these two up and believe they could, in honesty, take the oath of enlistment.
As a Veteran, I can not say _I believe_ the two major party candidates could take it with out equivocation, reservation, or unknown evasion of the mind.
Richard D Bennett has given me the name that I will now and forever identify with T-Rump
Are you ready?
Cheeto the Hutt!
I can't think of anything more perfect for the tax evading. code manipulating, piece of flatulence that has for years and years considered himself _outside_ of the Law.
Cheeto the Hutt!
I see Hillary beaming out of the scene, Trump kneeling on the precipice of Wall Street, raising his fist to the air and yelling "Kaaaaaahn!"
I am not voting for Hillary or Trump
Honestly I can see two very real sides to the speech given by the father of the Muslim US soldier killed in the middle east at the DNC. I want every one to know I am _not_ no way in any way discussing these views at the moment I am strictly intending to make an observation which is probably immensely inappropriate but I find ridiculously funny. If you read this far please post your funniest comment concerning bunnies and rabid ferrets just to see who actually read this
Political skip as you please (and thank you others for using this header)
T-rump, yah it's him
Even Karl Rove is now saying that he has all but already lost.
Karl Rove .. yes that one
even he says T-rump is close to completely blowing it.
I said months ago that the only reason I could find for T-rump to run was to get Hill elected. Well he is playing into to the field and his history shows why
T-rump has played the GOP for fools and made a mockery of the electoral process.
PS: I say T-rump and Hill as I don't want to give either of them any more google hits than required from my post
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