239 years our Nation has existed.
227 of that under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
In that time there have been 17 more amendments passed and one repealed.
In that time there have been 17 more amendments passed and one repealed.
13 states have become 50 with 5 Populated Territories and 11 uninhabited Territories.
11 States and three territories Attempted so secede from our nation, and after bloody strife were added back into the Union
It is estimated that 1.35 Million People have died and 1.5 million have been wounded in combat for our Nation
43 Men have served as President of our Nation.
A flag of three colors has been raised every morning and lowered every night This entire time.
Wars have been fought, blood has been spilled, yet this Nation still stands.
We as a nation have made mistakes. Grave Sins against Humanity itself. We have endorsed slavery, we have engaged in genocide, we have many times imprisoned our own citizens with out cause.
Each time and each wrong and each mistake, was changed. It was altered and the cloth of our Republic was resewn by the will of Men and Women who sought and enacted the quest for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Where do we go next?
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