Friday, October 21, 2011

I am not the 99%

I am _not_ the so called 99%, nor am I the highly accused 1%. I and my Wife have worked for what we have. We give back to our community and our fellow man as we can afford. We don't have time to "occupy" anything but our home which we pay for every month to the bank and to the utilities and yes even to the state in the way of property taxes. I don't have time to spend at rallies and protest more than just the occasional token appearance. I vote. I question those I vote for and those I didn't. I believe that those I did not vote for and still won have a responsibility to hear _my_ voice and represent _me_ not just those who voted for them. I am of the 60% to 70%, ya know the working class. I go to work, I take care of my family, I pray for my son in the US navy. Oh and yes I work for a large cooperation. Because they exist my family meets their needs. Deal with it and move on people.

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