Sunday, July 19, 2009


Republicans are gun toting truck driving rednecks who are too ignorant to care about their fellow man!

Democrats are all pinko commie socialist that want to tell me how to live my life while they sip their cafe' latte'!

Moderate Republicans/Democrats are traitors to their parties ideals!

Independents are simply too uneducated to make a choice of who or what they support!

These and many other stereo types are shouted out across blogs and comment boards; in editorials and letters to editors. They are ingrained in the media and pushed upon us by those who wish to cast each other in a negative light. is it really so difficult to accept that there are those in our country that have a different point of view than our own? Is vilifying and casting them in these undesirable rolls really the way we intend to move our country forward?

Stereo types and epithets can in fact be used to unify a cause and even a nation, just look at the success Adolf Hitler had using them in Nazi Germany. He and the Nazi's unified Germany and took a bankrupt nation to the brink of world domination by use of such campaigns. Is this really a model to be followed? Certainly it didn't seem to work out very well for South Africa.

Both the Republican and Democrat parties represent large sectors of our society. Neither they nor others should be reviled or vilified for their beliefs. Those elected to high office should remember that they represent not only the best interest of their party but of the entirety of the constituency they represent. they should remember this most especially when the good of those they represent is contrary to the party line.


  1. I assume this rant was directed at me due to my comments on Paul's blog. All I will say is...if the shoe fits...

  2. Most assuredly it is directed at you, not because you made comments I disagreed with on another blog, but rather because your opinions and freedoms are as inviolable as all others in this wonderful nation.

    Certainly your comments were a bit of a catalyst, however, this is a topic that has aggravated me for many years. It is dangerous to all of us to assume that people fit in a given demographic based only upon a statement of a point of view. It is a divisive way of doing things that is played upon by all parties major and minor in the field of politics. and this policy of casting our opponents in what we believe to be an undesirable light is what makes Congress the opposite of Progress.

    By the way welcome aboard a counter point is always welcome!
