Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Independent Rants

Looking back over my personal blog I have allot of personal general post interspersed with political rants based from the point of view of an independent voter. Being an Independent is important to me as I believe the two party system is inherently flawed and only by the introduction and infusion of turbulence, rabble rousing and fresh idea's can a Democracy continue to function in a healthy fashion. I am in favor of Electoral college reform as well as election policy reform.

I believe electoral votes should be divided amongst candidates according to the percentage of popular vote they received. If third party candidates are never seen as receiving electoral votes in the national executive election, then they are seen by the media and by many of our nation as nothing more than a foot note, at best, an annoyance by most. I don't believe this would change the result of the most recent Presidential election but it might be a better reminder to Mr Obama that a large percentage of this country did not in fact vote for him. He is every bit as responsible to those of us who voted against him as he is to those who voted for. him.

I believe that party line voting should be stripped from ballots. Every one should chose on each and every item who or what they are voting for. To this end I think party affiliations should also be removed from the names on the ballots. If you are a candidate for public office and members of your own party don't know your name, you have a problem.

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