Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!

Obama, and Liberal Democrats claim and proclaim we need a Health care Reform Bill passed and signed as law _right now_

Why? Why are the president and these "Washington Orthodox Democrats" in such a hurry to spend trillions of dollars on something before giving it time to be properly reviewed and looked at by both houses, and the American people? My mother taught me that if some one is using high pressure sales to get me to by an orchard, that all I will typically get is a single lemon for the price of the whole farm.

That is exactly what this administration is trying to push on us, a lemon. The government now controls and dictates terms to GM and anyone doing business with them, next they are aiming for every health care institution in America. A nice neat isolated board of directors will get to decide who gets what kind of medical attention according to neat charts and tables, and who doesn't. Sure there will be an appeals system but winning the appeal for treatment of a back injury might be of little comfort to some one who has lost their job and become paralyzed from an injury that could have been treated, but the circumstances didn't warrant the more expensive procedure requested.

I suppose we will change the name of the Surgeon General to the "Health Care Czar" and a presidential appointee will then have executive control over the system as well. Heck all these czar appointments have worked really well this far!

What next, federalizing the ownership of Banks? Sure we have the FDIC and the Federal reserve but I am talking about direct government ownership of your banking institution. Direct government oversight of your spending and savings. Their hand in your investment portfolio ready to hand out your retirement to those who didn't save at all. Why stop there?

Several very large grocery chains have faltered in the last decade, lets federalize the food provision infrastructure of the country as well. We can have a "Nutrition Czar" ensuring every one eats the right foods and ending the obesity problems of our nation!

I have to stop this sarcastic rant now, I am beginning to scare myself with the thought that some one might just take these parodies of rational thought to be good ideas....

Knock Knock Knock....Oh hello Mr Orwell........We're here from the Government, don't worry though we're here to help.

1 comment:

  1. Its sad, but I am sure there are those in DC right now plotting out that very nightmare.
