Wednesday, July 15, 2009


one more re post from my personal blog originally posted Feb 12, 2008

Yeah, I am a little fussy
My wife tells me I am getting more and more 'fussy' about certain things. Like having an American Flag up on Flag days, and that I actually look up and find out that only one of our choices for President has ever served in the Military they mean to be Commander in Chief of.

I suppose she's right, but I think it is more frustration than fussiness that brings out these sentiments in me. I get frustrated when I hear Americans talk about our country as if it were something to be ashamed of. I am frustrated when My children are taught more about JFK's assassination than the 13 days in which he made the choices of weather or not to end the world. I get frustrated when people tell me that Freedom of Speech means "You can say whatever you want as long as it doesn't upset any one" Growing up I was taught by men and women serving in our armed forces that they meant to defend my right to say whatever I wanted even what I had to say out right pissed them off.

In my frustration I have to look at my self in the mirror and ask, "What are you doing about it? Sure you are an honorably discharged veteran, but that was 16 years ago. What are you doing now to teach your own children to be proud of where they live and what their forefathers have created. What are you doing to encourage others to fly the Stars and Stripes and understand the blood sacrificed in it's shadow should be honored and not forgotten."

I can answer myself that I try. I try through my life, and my actions to remind others that freedom has a cost, that liberty and safety are not the same thing. I was once told that if we can have a positive impact on just one other person and improve the way they live, weather we ever know it or not, then our efforts are not wasted. I was taught that if by serving my country and possibly giving my life as a soldier I can protect the Freedom of Just one person, then it was a worthy way to meet my maker.

So I tell my children to respect those in service to our nation. I teach them to look deeper into history than just the pretty pictures in a high school text. I fly the flag at my home, and I exercise my rights as a citizen of the United States given to me by the founding Fathers as often as I can.

So I suppose my wife is right I have gotten a little fussy about some things. It's my duty as an American to be fussy about these things that I believe in, and my privilege as a veteran to know I put my name on the line and volunteered to protect, with my life, other peoples right to think I'm wrong.

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