Monday, February 13, 2012

is it just health care?

I don't have an issue with contraception ( I recommend it) , I have certain reservations concerning abortion. I have out right objections to the state telling a church what to do.

Even if you do not agree with the Catholic churches views on contraception; please, please, please; support their fight for religious freedom. Write your congressman, call .. yell at him/her on the phone. If passing an encompassing federal bill is all it takes to by pass the Constitution we are all FUBAR.

This is a test, it is not just "only a test" this is a test to see if the American people will relinquish their rights.

Even if you do not agree with the Catholic church and their supported charities viewpoint on these issues, please support their right to believe as they choose!

If this works..there is nothing between big govt and total control. Gun control? no problem. Guns cause medical damage.

I have lived over seas.. I have been in a world that doesn't need a search warrant. .. I have seen "State Police." you don't want to be a citizen there. We are spoiled by our privilege in this nation. We don't know how good we have it.

This can go any where, it is the "Gateway Drug" of  nationalist control of our freedoms.

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